The pilot, successfully concluded in late April 2023, aimed to validate the possibility of a complete circular economy cycle with real consumers, who acquired the product in reusable eco-designed smart containers, activated them into their brand APP, and returned them to shop after wasting it. They had to answer a survey in the APP that provided so valuable input and excellent feedback.
Something unprecedented is that the whole process was digitally tracked in real-time in our Platform: Factory -> Shop -> Consumer’s house and back, with the corporate stakeholders sharing the same level of information.
The ECOSMARTPACK consortium pilot has been a great collaboration and also includes a Blockchain proof of concept, being a clear step towards making a circular economy possible and measurable while enabling eye-opening new business models.
A perspective from our CSO
You can’t manage what you can’t measure
Enabling the next generation of Smart Brands for effective skin health oversight
Peter Drucker is known as the Father of Modern Management and one of his famous quotes states “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. This statement is true in almost any industry.
In recent years, we have seen rapid growth in technology, both physical devices, such as sensors, and digital platforms, big data, machine learning and AI. The applications of these technology together, often referred to as cyber-physical systems, has led us into the fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0. The benefits of cyber-physical systems have only just started to show their power in a number of industries, but have shown widespread application and benefits across many sectors.
A core principle is that sensors can be used to monitor processes along with the impact of these processes, generating data that can be used to learn, feedback and adjust towards the target result.
As humans, we are naturally hungry for data and information to help us improve towards our own goals in a similar manner. This has been referred to as the Quantified Self movement. Examples of this are accelerometers, weighing scales, body fat analysers and heart rate monitors used in health and fitness to track progress, train in the right zone, rest effectively…
In the serious skincare space, a lot of money is invested in formulating effective ingredients and topical formations to address or prevent against common skin complaints. Scientific rigour is applied to clinical or claims trials to established what can expect to achieve when these formulations are used correctly. However, unlike the health and fitness industry, there has been little technology available to support serious skincare users to measure and manage their skincare regime and support them to achieve or maintain their goals.
At Szentia, we have dedicated our efforts to bringing these principles and scientific rigour to the home enabling the next generation of smart Brands to provide a practical and effective skin health integral oversight. Scientific measurement of parameters that make a difference, such as tracked, metered dose control of potent ingredients for regime consistency to objective assessment of skin impact parameters such as skin hydration, barrier function, redness or shine.
The important element in this move is to preserve the scientific rigour and ensure that the quality of data recorded in regime tracking or skin measurement, is high enough to inform on the improving processes, consistency and decision making and the digital feedback provides convenience, clarity and certainty to the user. The co-relation of these and other relevant data opens a new era of personalization and remote easy oversight of one of our most relevant human organs: The Skin.
At Szentia, we understand technology has to bridge skin experts’ knowledge, prevention, cosmetic, aesthetic or pathology treatments in an easy way for the benefit of the “consumer-patient persona” throughout its lifetime.
At Szentia, we see the power of bringing together holistic support through physical devices and digital platforms to support serious skincare users to measure and manage their skincare for consistent and optimal results that they can trust. We can help users to learn how their skin adapts to their personal lifestyle, track and adjust their product usage, their regime and the impact on their skin.
As a result, our technology helps users to achieve maximum value from their skincare product and make educated decisions about their skincare choices.“
@David Heath - April 2022
Think out of the box and consider re-usable smart packaging as a way to avoid the emerging plastic taxes proliferating in EU (0,40 – 0,96 €/kg) and reduce the Packaging Cost / Product cost ratio while moving your Brand to the next wage of innovation, transparency and personalization. See our innovative Ecosmartpack 4.0 consortium project below.
Szentia leading innovative reusable smart-packaging consortium.
The focus of the consortium is to create reusable containers with structural identity and autentication tech, making cosmetics & dermo-pharma products transition to circular economy possible and measurable. From Factory to Consumer’s house and back. This technology opens relevant possibilities for supporting a behavioral change both from industry and consumers.
A perspective from our CTO
The future of smart products
Towards a More Intelligent Consumer-Product Interaction
I was lounging in my living room this weekend smart phone at hand, watching an international Football game on my smart TV, when my smart watch beeped to remind me that it was time for my workout. As I walked towards the smart treadmill, it dawned on me that digitalization has permeated every aspect of human activity, but intelligence remains mostly in backend servers and far from the edge of commodity consumer products value chain.
In the Consumer-Packaged Goods (CPG) products, the opportunity to inject intelligence is on the packaging itself. It all started with Barcodes used to automate the identification of products in the warehouse, on store shelves or at the checkout stand. This was improved on with QR codes providing more information about ingredients and provenance of the contents of the packaging. To this point the information provided was always static.
With the introduction of smart indicators and pigments, you could tell if the product contents have expired or been tampered with. This was the beginning of dynamic information in CPG. Then came the introduction of innovative IoT sensors with printed electronics to kick the door with open for unlimited consumer interaction and intelligent behavioral and state information.
The opportunity in CPG is to have, for the first time, unique data and visibility into consumer behavior beyond the point of sale. This is possible through the product self-reporting the state of the product packaging and contents throughout its lifecycle, from manufacturing to the warehouse, to the store, to the consumer hands and its interaction with the product and finally to the refurbishing and reuse/recycle center.
Much beyond just augmented reality this packaging innovation ushers in the era of smart CPG products that offers early adopters unprecedent personalization of products and services, interactive brand consumer experiences, a more intelligent product supply chain and a circular economy that matches consumer aspirations and brand values.
@Ali Bouhouch - February 2022
Conscious beauty, fragrance, and dermo-cosmetics Brands, when supported by a data-driven approach, open themselves to new business models, supporting the well-being and empowerment of the new generations of consumers, while committing to Circular Economy. We also set the foundation for the transition to the beauty and well-being interactive metaverse.
SZENTIA featured in BeautyMatter
We have been featured in BeautyMatter, a relevant online media resource for beauty industry innovations.
Check out the full article about tech-enabled personalization as a strategy for sustainability in the beauty industry here:
BeautyMatter | Retail’s Sustainability Strategy Needs Revision, Not Recycling
Beauty is one of the categories heavily moving part of the A&P budget to the digital field and highly benefiting from it.
The changes coming with Apple’s release of iOS 14.5 can mark the starting for wide adoption of the anti-tracking functionality coming with its new privacy rules, as several browsers are also taking similar routes.
Surveys indicate that up to 80% of users might say NO to tracking them cross sites/apps, so the move has the potential to seriously disrupt the complex ecosystem of digital and programmatic advertising.
When consumers start to block third-party cookies (the core of this battle), the intermediary re-targeters will not be able to segment audiences with the precision they are now.
Google and others are moving the big ship of this critical debate towards “Interest Based Advertising” and consumers cohorts segmenting using interest but never knowing their identity.
New technologies might be developed by Ad-Tech companies and other players to create alternative paths to sort this “no third-party cookies” situation, but what is clear is that the closer future is about more aggregated data.
Beauty Brands will have more difficulties measuring digital campaigns and attribution in the moment of history when the e-commerce battle is fiercer and more difficult, and that is why they are focusing on getting more and more 1st party data to gain control of their future.
More sitewide type of analysis will be required for the Brands and additional investments into analytics and A.I. to get deeper insides are required.
But I think this context put brands in a demanding but interesting position to strategize how to achieve a new direct and purposeful relationship with the consumer. One that is based on trust, one that is between equals, and where both parties give and take: one where Zero Party Data is at the core.
A zero data direct value-based relationship where the consumer voluntarily and intentionally shares data against something different, valuable, and worth to stay involved with, all surrounded by meaningful principles and values. This is what moves us in SZENTIA, enabling top-quality Zero data for the benefit of both the Brand and the Consumer under a strong sustainability & transparency commitment.
Now it is the moment of truth for the brands; a moment when starting to manage closer direct relationships with their consumers is not optional but necessary in the world of the super-informed, digital, green consumer. But honoring a ZERO DATA CULTURE requires a significant step forward in company culture, re-purposing talent and creating new customer experience management centric departments. A completely new mindset to build and reinforce a value-added-driven relationship with this new class of consumers.
When Covid has pushed most of your competitors into the hyper-digital mode it is time to make bold moves forward with a determined digital strategy that learns and quickly iterate to on-board the consumer into a Zero data journey. A fair digital exchange to maintain control of your future and lead.
From Zero, to value based digital beauty. @Ignacio Longarte May 2021
As we are working very hard on shaping the future of Beauty, we conducted an extensive and detailed survey asking Beauty Geeks from several countries about their preferences, likes, dislikes, and opinions around topics like a new class of smart products, beauty tech, digital exchange, subscription models, circular economy, or sustainability. The results we obtained confirm that as our world is evolving, the Beauty industry is doing so, therefore, brands must adapt to their customers’ new needs and preferences.
Here follows a small part of the results:
Consumers are open to change their habits, use more ‘tech’ & smart products, and receive a more personalized experience:
More than 85% of respondents are willing to replace their traditional beauty products with smart products.
More than 53% of respondents are willing or very willing to subscribe to a plan that offers a total Beauty experience and 36 % of respondents are willing as well, depending on the value they receive.
More than 64% are interested or very interested in receiving value through personalized advice and other services enabled by these new devices, and only a very small percentage are not interested.
We explained our total Beauty experience concept and how technology can assist in managing a circular economy approach to develop sustainable Beauty brand propositions, and surveyed consumers position and commitment to it:
• The great majority of respondents agree in committing with the Brand to a Circular Economy sustainable approach with real actions to create a closed loop.
• 92% of respondents are willing to put all the necessary effort or help the brand if simple or with incentives to create a closed loop around the packaging of their products to save the planet. Only 8% think that the effort must only be done by the brand.
• 87 % (35% with incentives) of respondents are willing to join a brand that has created a community that shares commitment around re-using packaging to increase the impact of individual effort and generate real change.
We believe in a fair digital exchange Brands-Consumers, so we surveyed consumers to understand how they do feel in sharing up to 8 categories of different types of data. In general, the responses were very positive.
74% of our respondents are interested or very interested in sharing their data to receive the best treatment recommendations over time. Only 5% do not at all.
Most of our respondents are interested in getting real-time product usage recommendations based on age, skin/hair type, evolution, weather, etc.
The majority of our respondents are interested in sharing their data to get ‘on-demand access ‘to their dermatologist/hair-care specialist that knows their skin/hair and how they are using the products thanks to the smart-packaging.
If you want to know more details about any of the discussed topics, please contact us.
STAY TUNED! We will share other interesting insights from our survey soon.
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Is the Beauty industry ready for the subscription business model?